Daniel Goggans
200-ht Creative Vinyasa at Sacred Thread Yoga January 2020, 300-hr Yin Yoga with Josh Summers December 2020
200-hr Ashtanga practitioners Intensive at Miami Life Center August 2021
My favorite posture: Nakrasana because it reminds me not to give up, and keep a sense of humor about myself (and Josh's Yin pose Fragon) samasthiti because it reminds me of the importance of establishing a foundation through intention and attention. Finally, Utpulih because it inspires me to try and to take action.t
I found Yoga:
Yoga has taught me: When I trained with Josh he said "One practice takes many forms" I think that happens off your mat or cushion is a great teacher if you are open to it. It is about your approach and willingness to learn from the process. My yoga practice helps me mirror this.